Tuscany Melon (Cucumis melo) Seeds Non-GMO, Organic, Heirloom B10

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  • Regular price $2.49

From a long line of Italian melons. Bursting with flavor and aroma. Thick flesh, small seed cavity. Salmon-colored fruits are 2-3 pounds, sutured and finely netted. Striped outer skin. Excellent market seller. Ships well. Bursting with flavor and aroma. Thick flesh, small seed cavity.

Salmon-colored fruits are 2-3 pounds, sutured, and finely netted. Striped outer skin

Full Sun Sprouts in 7-14 Days Lifecycle: annual (vegetable) Ideal Germination Temperature: 75-85F Seed Depth: 1/2 inch Plant Spacing: 18" Frost Hardy: No Sowing Method: Transplant Plant Scientific Name: Cucumis melo

100% Non-GMO, Organic, Heirloom, Open Air Pollinated Seeds

Each melon typically weighs between 3 to 8 pounds and bears a ribbed surface with prominent sutures extending from the stem end to the blossom end. The stripes appear in shades of dark green, light green, to golden yellow, depending on maturity, and the melon’s surface also showcases a tan, netted exterior with a firm and semi-rough texture. Underneath the thin rind, the flesh is dense, bright orange, smooth, aqueous, and thick, encasing a small central seed cavity filled with ivory oval seeds suspended in fibers and a gelatinous liquid. Tuscan Style® cantaloupes generally have semi-firm but tender flesh when ripe and emit a strong, musky aroma. The melon’s striping indicates the degree of sweetness, and the stripes will transition from dark green and solid to uneven, broken striping with a golden hue. The blossom end will also have a slight give to it when gently pressed when the flesh is extra sweet.

FREE GIFT when you order 5 items or more. Free gift is full of surprise seeds which may include single or mixed varieties.

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