MARIAN RUTABAGA rutabaga , Organic, Heirloom, Non-GMO B25

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  • Regular price $3.49

85-95 days. A delicious and vigorous variety from the U.K., this Welsh-bred rutabaga was developed with the allotment garden in mind, which means it is well suited to compact growing spaces like the backyard garden. It is a tasty and reliable rutabaga with tolerance to club root and mildew. The yellow fleshed, purple tinged roots reach up to 8 inches in diameter and are well suited to late fall/winter harvest and storage.

count: 10
6-12 hours of Sun Sprouts in 4-7 Days Ideal Temperature: 45-85 Degrees F Seed Depth: 1/4" Plant Spacing: 6-8" Frost Hardy: Yes Brassica napus

Growing Tips: Sow late spring to midsummer for fall harvest. Requires 80-90 days to reach large size. Stores best in cool (33F), humid conditions.