Maltese Cross Seeds Lychnis chalcedonica, Jerusalem Cross Flowers Silene chalcedonica B100

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Malt­ese Cross Seeds Lychnis chalcedonica, syn. Silene chalcedonica

This rugged, easy-to-grow 2-3 ft. tall perennial produces brilliant scarlet flowers in dense clusters of 20-50. Bloom is in June and July. Maltese Cross is stunningly grown alongside plants with gray foliage or white flowers. Likes regular water and will even thrive in boggy conditions. Winter hardy to zone 3.

Maltese Cross are grown from seeds. They can be directly seeded into your flower garden, or seeded indoors six to eight weeks before the last frost in your area. Sow seeds early in the season, and cover lightly with 1/8" of fine garden or potting soil. Maltese Cross seeds germinate in two to three weeks.

Maltese Cross grows nicely with Sunburst coreopsis, Amber Wheels gaillardia, and Royal Wedding Oriental poppy.
Perennial, Lychnis

Maltese Cross, also called Jerusalem Cross, is a sharp-looking, attractive red flower. They are drought tolerant and easy to grow. Maltese Cross is perfect to brighten up your flower garden. The flowers will attract butterflies in the summer months.

Maltese Cross plants grow two to three feet tall. It has dark green leaves, located opposite each other on the stem. Stem and leaves are "hairy". Florets have four petals in a cross shape. A rounded flower head has many florets. By far the most common color is a deep red or scarlet red. Red-Orange is also common. White and pink varieties also exist, though they are less common.

Maltese Cross is native to Russia and Siberia. Historians believe the Maltese Cross flower was brought to Europe during the Crusades of the Middle Ages by the Knights of Malta. This Middle East connection also lends to its another name, the Jerusalem Cross flower.

Maltese Cross is also called: Burning Love Flower.

Plant Maltese Cross in the back of the flower garden. They are also used as border edgings. Try them in naturalized landscape settings, too.

Plant Height: 36" - 48"

Growing Malt­ese Cross Lychnis Seeds
Bee introduces how to plant
Sow seed in cell packs or flats, press into soil but do not cover. Needs light to germinate. Kept at 70° F., germination averages 3-4 weeks. Transplant into the garden 12-18 in. apart after all danger of frost.

Count: ~100

Maltese Cross is also known as Jerusalem Cross Flowers, Lychnis chalcedonica

Plant Propagation:

Maltese Cross are grown from seeds. They can be directly seeded into your flower garden, or seeded indoors six to eight weeks before the last frost in your area. Sow seeds early in the season, and cover lightly with 1/8" of fine garden or potting soil.

Maltese Cross seeds germinate in two to three weeks. We recommend using a heated germination mat.

The ideal plant spacing is 12" -15". Thin or transplant seedlings, if needed, when they reach 2". They will tolerate a little crowding.

Established plants can also be propagated by plant division of the rootball. Separate and replant in spring or late fall.

Days to Germination: 10 - 15

How to Grow Maltese Cross Plants:

Maltese Cross plants are very easy to grow. The like full sun. They will tolerate partial shade. They prefer loose, rich soil that drains well. Maltese Cross plants are drought-tolerant, preferring soil on the dry side. It is important to avoid wet soils. Plants will not do well and will likely die in wet soils. Add a general-purpose fertilizer when planting them, then once a month after that.

Once your Maltese Cross plants are established, they should grow well with few problems. Keep well weeded. Apply a layer of mulch to keep the weeds down. The "hairy" leaves and stems can catch garden debris. Be careful to keep them clean, while working with the plants.

The plants will flower in the second year. Then, watch the butterflies flying over to the blooms. Deadhead the spent flowers, to promote continuous blooms all summer and into early fall. Remove the flower and entire flower stem.

Maltese Cross plants are heat and drought tolerant. But, we do recommend watering them during the driest periods of summer. They will do well in mid summer's heat.

Jerusalem Cross can be invasive. Use border edging, as needed. Edging should be four to six inches deep in the soil.

Flowers Bloom: Summer

Insect and Disease:

Insect and disease problems are uncommon.