Japonica Striped Corn, Candy Striped Corn Organic, Heirloom, Non-Gmo B10

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Use the garnet red kernels to make cornmeal.
An heirloom, ornamental variety from Japan grown for it's beautiful striped leaves. Japonica Striped Corn makes an excellent decorative border with wide spacing between plants. Corn has dark purple tassels and burgundy kernels.

Count: 10 85-110 Days Full Sun Sprouts in 7-10 Days Seed Depth: 1-2" Ideal Temperature: 75-80 F Plant Spacing: 12" Plant Height: 6-7' Frost Hardy: No Zea mays

This spectacular heirloom corn is one gorgeous plant. A rare Japanese strain with candy-striped leaves and burgundy kernels, its shiny foliage is ribbons of pink, green, and white, absolutely striking in a container or the back of a mixed border. The flashy plants look tropical, right at home with gingers.

Japonica does produce corn, deep burgundy red cobs that make fabulous popcorn. This is a gorgeous plant from seeding to harvest. It's as easy to grow as any corn, but you don't need a farm to enjoy the lovely foliage. Grow some in a pot on the patio and enjoy it up close.

Zea mays Pink Zebra - Dwarf variegated ornamental corn. Green and white striped foliage adds showy purples/red/pinks in cool nights/long days.

The original seeds were brought from Japan in the mid 1800's. This is a true heirloom. Seeds can be started 3-4 weeks before the last frost indoors, or direct sow one week after last frost.

Growing Tips: Direct sow into the richest soil available 1-2 weeks before last spring frost. Succession planting prolongs harvest; planting in blocks improves pollination.

Direct sow outdoors after the threat of frost has passed, until mid-summer. Sow corn seeds directly 3-4 inches apart, in rows spaced 36 inches apart in blocks of at least 4 rows to insure proper pollination for kernel formation. Thin plants to indicate spacing if necessary. Corn requires fertile soil and little attention. Water during dry periods.