atomic orange corn, Organic, Heirloom, Non-Gmo B10

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  • Regular price $3.49

60-80 Days. Exceptionally high in both protein and beta carotene, the amazingly nutritious and totally delicious orange ears are produced very early. This variety ranked high on the list of most protein-rich heirloom corns in a study done by Baker Creek in 2018. Research shows that beta carotene is essential for vision health.

We are thrilled to offer this stunning, open-pollinated variety from the gifted corn breeder Ed Schultz of Bozeman, Montana. He spent 30 years developing this fantastic soft flint corn. It sports a range of orange color, from brilliant sunburst orange to pumpkin and russet. Even the cobs are orange! For an added surprise, it will throw an occasional all-white ear. Three to five foot-tall stalks produce 1 to 2 ten-inch ears with 8 rows of kernels.

Count: ~10
60-80 Days Full Sun Sprouts in 7-10 Days Seed Depth: 1-2" Ideal Temperature: 75-80 F Plant Spacing: 12" Plant Height: 3-5' Frost Hardy: No Zea mays Growing Tips: Direct sow into the richest soil available 1-2 weeks before last spring frost. Succession planting prolongs harvest. Planting in blocks improves pollination.